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An integral part of playing the oboe involves learning to make oboe reeds. Double reed players, both oboists and bassoonists, are challenged with the daunting and very rewarding task of whittling our reeds to very detailed specifications that are tailored to each individual player. Early in your studies you will likely purchase reeds from your mentor or teacher, but as you grow you will want the freedom to take charge of your musical sound and craft your own reeds. 

First, you will need to collect all of the materials needed to make a reed. This includes staples, gouged/shaped/folded cane, a double hollow ground knife, mandrel, and more. Jump to my student resources page to view a full list of required materials as well as suggested businesses that provide all of the supplies you will need. 

An exciting feature of the aerial oboe studio is the opportunity to gain reed making skills via a group class. When demand allows I feature a studio reed making workshop. We cover basic reed making skills as well as more advanced topics that will help you hone your craft and acquire the sound quality that is right for you. Not only is it an opportunity to learn, but you will also have the chance to collaborate with your peers, learn from them, share your knowledge, and make new friends. Reed making is also covered during lessons for those students seeking to explore the skills required to become reed independent.

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